
Marry the Guy Who Sends You Morning Texts

You’re yawning and the blanket feels heavier than it should be. Finally, you unleash a new strength and stumbled to the mirror to examine your face – puffy with sleep. Then, you walk right into the bathroom to wash off yesterday’s grounds to start up the new day when something dings.

It’s a text message! You let out a cold morning smile, showing the first row of your teeth because you know who it is – he does it every morning. You reach out to your iPhone 7 and pick it up.

“Hey babe, how’d you sleep?”

You make a fresh chirpy face as you dry up with your white towel. With smiles still pouring out of your face, your reply his message:

“Good and you?”

No sooner did he read your message, and then he responds, “Good. I miss you.”

It is 6am and he’s already making you feel loved. “I miss you too…” you reply.

He goes on to tell you “I love you…” and would see you later in the day.

This is the man you should marry!

Reason Why You should Marry the Guy Who Sends You Morning Texts


1. You are his priority

First thing in the morning, he thought of you. You’re clearly a top priority in his life. Mornings are a busy, blurry time. You’re not fully awake yet; you’re struggling to keep up with your schedule for the day.

At the same time, you have over a hundred and one things to do — starting with making breakfast, but including basic cleaning, and clothing. Then there’s this mental prep: what your work day is going to look like, what time to leave the house, what you have to take to work, how long it will take to commute. But your guy isn’t thinking about of all this. Instead, his first thought was you. How were you, did you sleep well, are you happy? You’re his number one priority — one of the most important things you want in a marriage.

2. He is reliable

If he sends you a text every single morning — he’s reliable. You can trust that every morning, your phone will ring with a text from him. In fact, if he didn’t text you, you’d wonder if he was OK. It is hard to find a guy who is reliable. Not just a predictable guy who says the same thing every day, but a reliable one who follows through on his word. You deserve a reliable guy.

3. Makes you feel loved

For a marriage to work, you need to feel loved. You deserve to feel loved every single day, every single morning. This is what he does with his text messages, asking how you are.
First thing in the morning, you know he’s thinking of you. He makes you smile, makes you laugh, and he’s always there for you. All qualities you want in the man that you marry.

4. He truly loves you

He doesn’t even need to say “I love you”, but his actions always say it. This is the guy you deserve — not one who says I love you, but one who shows it. You need a man whose love rests on actions, not words. Anyone can say “I love you.” It takes a special guy to reach for his phone at 6am, every single morning, to show he cares. He wants to know how you are.

The morning texter has all the qualities you want in a man for marriage. He’s about actions, not just by words. He makes you feel loved. He’s reliable. And most important, you’re a top priority in his life. He cares enough about you to text you at 6am when others are still dozing.

He loves you. Marry the man.


This article originally appeared on YourTango.
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