
A Happy Ending

Six-year-old boy, Kyle was so fond of his grandfather that he can't stay without him every holiday. They usually play together. One day, Kyle visited his grandfather but was disappointed by his health condition.

Grandpa Lee (as he is fondly called) has been sick for a while, Kyle sat by his sick-bed recollecting all the memorable times they had together. His disappointment gradually snowballed to frustration and he decided to go and play by himself. As he got close to the door, he heard a strange weak voice call his name. It was Grandpa Lee, though he sounded not cold, Kyle rushed back, and held his hand.

"," he startled, unsure of what to say. "Are you going to be alright?"

Nodding his head weakly, Grandpa Lee smiled and said, "I’ll be better than I've ever been."

Kyle frowned and continued with his probe. "How do you know that?" Grandpa Lee's attempt to reply resulted in a spasmodic cough, attracting the attention of Ruth, Kyle's mother. She tried to take him away so that Grandpa Lee could rest, but the old man stopped her, saying he could use some company.

"Back to our question, Kyle," Grandpa Lee began hoarsely.

"I know I will be better because I'm going to...," he coughed again, "a beautiful city! I'm going to a place of rest, a place where nobody can feel pain, sorrow or get sick." with great effort, he turned his face to Kyle and continued. "Do you know the streets of the city are made of gold?"

"Really?" Kyle intoned.

"Yes, it's magnificent!" he exclaimed.

"The city is a perfect home to live in!"

Moving to the edge of his seat, obviously excited, Kyle breathlessly inquired, "Are children allowed in there? Do they have animals there? Will they allow someone to play with them?" The old man nodded to all his questions.

He added quickly, "What about Cronut burger and butter tart; do they have lots of them over there?"

Grandpa Lee smiled and again said, "There will be no lack over there."

Too impatient to listen, he interrupted his grandpa with his pleas. "Please Grandpa Lee, take me along with you, I'm sure my parents won't mind. I promise to behave myself."

Smiled again, Grandpa Lee reached out for his head and assured him, "I know you will behave yourself, but you will go there in your time; this is my time."

Dissatisfied with the response, he pressed further. "But Grandpa Lee, if I don't go with you now, how will I know the way to the city? You see, I wouldn't be able to get there on my own."

Nodding thoughtfully, Grandpa Lee replied, "Come to think of it, son, you are right. You can't get there without help, and I know the right person to introduce you to. Actually, he is the only person that can take you to the beautiful city."

Kyle brightened up when he heard he will get help from somebody.

"His name is Jesus but you need to make him your close pal," Grandpa Lee continued. "Stay close to Him, listen to His instructions because he is the only way to the golden city."

That day, Kyle made a decision to make Jesus his pal by surrendering his life to him, counseled by Grandpa Lee.

Two weeks later, the old man passed on to glory and on his funeral, the six-years-old boy was called by the officiating minister to address the congregation. Kyle mounted the pulpit, smiled and said, "I will miss my Grandpa Lee very much, but I'm not sad because I know where he has gone to. A golden city. A place that has no lack, no pain, no sorrow, hunger or sickness."

He sighed and continued, “I wanted to go with him but he told me to wait, my time will come. He counseled me to accept Jesus as my Saviour because He is the only Way to the glorious city. I surrender my life to Jesus and made him my pal because I want him to take me to where grandpa is. Therefore I am not mourning Grandpa Lee, I employ you to do what he did. Surrender your life totally to Jesus by repenting of all your sins and obeying his instructions so that he will take us all to the beautiful city."

When Kyle finished his address, wailing and weeping rend the air as many accepted Jesus as their Saviour and Lord, including an old aged man who consistently rebuffed Grandpa Lee invitation to Christ.


Many of us enjoy stories with a happy ending like this one, perhaps. But the niggling question is; how many people really take out their  time to consider how their lives' story will end?

Grandpa Lee knew his story has a happy ending, do you know how yours will end? Grandpa Lee knew exactly where he was heading after death - heaven. Do you know where you will be heading after this world? Young Kyle heard about the greatness, glory, grandeur and glamor of heaven, and he was determined to get there. Like Kyle, you must go beyond mere wishes and be determined to get to heaven.

The Bible is the key that opens the door to the Way which is Jesus. (John 14:16)


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