
What are belly fats? Causes, Effects & Prevention

What are Belly Fats?

Carbohydrate, protein, and fat rich foods serve as a catalyst to produce energy for metabolic activities in the body. When these catalysts are in excess, they are stored as fat in the body's fat cells, mainly found in the waist, hips and chest.

There are three types of fats found in the human body. The triglycerides (the fat that circulates in the blood), subcutaneous fat (found directly below the surface of the skin) and the visceral fat (the dangerous belly fat, found beneath the muscles in the stomach).

What are the effects of belly fats?

Too much fat in the body causes obesity or overweight. When you gain too much weight, your body begins to store excess fat in unusual places.

Most people trying to lose weight are more concerned with getting rid of excess fat beneath the muscles in their stomach. This is because, these fats, visceral fats are not healthy for the body. Excess visceral fats produce excess hormones and chemicals that may cause serious health issues such as Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and colorectal cancer.

Is fatty belly is different from a bloated belly?

Yes! People, who have a bloated belly, start off in the morning with a flat belly and it gradually grows larger through the day with gas or indigestion. Bloating can affect both slim and overweight.

Bloated belly may be as a result of food intolerances, poor diet or a common health condition called Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO is a health condition when there is an abnormally high level of bacteria in the small intestine, especially the type of bacteria found in the large intestine (colon).

Basically, there are two causes of SIBO
  • When there are too many bacteria
  • When the wrong type of bacteria is found in the wrong place.
A study found that symptoms of SIBO include excess gas which causes abdominal bloating and distension, diarrhea (less frequently constipation) and abdominal pain. It is thought that many people labeled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), are in fact suffering from SIBO.

Do I have excess belly fats?

The easiest way to find out if you have too much belly fat is to measure the mid-session of the body, below the stomach with a measuring tape. For women, 35 inches (88 cm) or more indicates the presence of unhealthy belly fat. For men, 40 inches (102 cm) or more is not healthy.

What causes excess belly fat?

Here is why fats accumulate in your body.

1. Sugar
Several studies have shown that excess accumulation of sugar, especially fructose may be the primary cause of unhealthy belly fat. When the liver is overloaded with fructose, it turns it into fat.

2. Stress hormone

A study found that the stress hormone known as cortisol is related to belly fats. They are said to produce fat which is deposited in the belly area. High levels of cortisol are linked with alcohol, smoking and caffeine intake.

3. Pregnancy and Childbirth
A study shows that during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles (linea alba muscle) split down to the middle, causing the mid-session of the body to bulge out. Also post-pregnancy causes the uterus to drop low forming bloating belly, although it returns to its pre-pregnancy size after about 6 weeks with thorough workout and a good diet. Some stay like that...

4. Lack of protein
Researchers found that protein is particularly effective against belly fat; hence, lack of protein in your diet would give room to excess fat accumulation in the stomach region.

5. Hormonal changes
Most women acquire fat around their belly mainly due to hormonal changes in her body, especially after menopause. This causes reduced metabolism rate and results in fat accumulation around the stomach.

6. Genes

If obesity runs in your family (genes), then you can’t help it. Belly fat would always come around.

7. Junk food
Too many calories in the body are usually transformed into fats. Excess junk food makes it difficult for the body to burn excess calories; hence they are stored in the body as belly fat.

8. Lack of sleep
When you don't sleep, it leads to indigestion which in turn causes gas formation in the stomach and puffs up of your belly, making it look flabby.

What are the foods that can help get rid of belly fats?

What you eat is important. Unfortunately, most people have no clue and care less about what they eat and its effect on the body. To get rid of excess body fats, you have to eat the following food:

1. Fruits:
Fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins, and mineral. They also contain low calorie. Citrus fruits are more efficient in burning fats because of their acidity.

2. Vegetables:
Vegetables are rich in minerals and water. They also contain fibers and have a very low amount of calories compared to fruits.

3. Eggs:
Eggs are protein-rich food with low calorie and fat.

4. Water:
Lots of water helps boost your rate of metabolism and also burn fats.

5. Fish: 
Salmon fish are rich in protein and good fatty acid (especially, omega 3 acid) and monosaturated fatty acid which helps to boost the metabolic rate of the body and also burn excess fats.

6. Luckily, exercise can also help spur things along when it comes to that pesky stomach fat.


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