
How To Become A Better Communicator

Communication is a human activity – the foundation of interaction among human beings. Communication has to do with meanings, understanding, feelings, desires, needs, and ideas. However, communication difference in the 21st century.

According to Nido Qubein, what makes the 21st century different from previous centuries is the scope of the communication challenge which is posed at the macro and micro levels.

Key To Good Communication Skills

The ability to express eloquence while speaking never comes automatically, it has to be learned. The great communicators of history started life just as you and i – with a wordless cry. If you think you don't have the qualities to qualify you as an effective communicator, I say think again!

Remember, some of the great communicators had to overcome some tough handicaps. Moses as a case-study was a "meek person, slow of speech a stammer." Yet, he was able to stand before Pharaoh and commanded about 600, 000 men with their families. They also listened to him after his encounter with God at Mount Sinai, when he went to bring the 10 commandments.

You don't need to go to Mount Sinai to acquire eloquence while speaking. All you need to do is to be focused and use the five keys below;

1. Desire 

Human infants have an inborn desire to communicate and that desire enable them to pick up words and to enlarge their vocabulary continuously. According to Nido Qubein, if you have the desire to be a great communication then you can make it. You would have to invest enormous time and energy in learning the language.

2. Understanding the process

If you want to achieve excellence in communication, you have to cut through the surface and become acquainted with the underlying process. The underlying process here is the etiquettes of communication.

– Communicate through images

Language is the primary conveyor of thoughts and ideas. It turns abstract concepts into words that symbolize those thoughts. If the mind can immediately translate the sounds and symbols into mental pictures, communication becomes much more vivid and meaningful. If I say "I want a desk for my office," my listener has only a vague and general idea of what I want. But if I say "I want a brown walnut desk for my office," the listener has a more vivid mental picture. The more skillful you become at conveying images, the more effective your communication will be.

3. Master the basic skills

Some people think the first requisite for good communication is an exhaustive vocabulary. Some people think it's impossible to communicate well without first absorbing a heavy dose of grammar, then memorizing a dictionary of English usage.

Words are important. Good grammar is important. And yes, it helps to know which words and expressions are considered standard and which are considered standard among educated people. But slavish allegiance to the rules of grammar can actually impede communication. People sometimes go to great length to avoid usage that somebody has pronounced "ungrammatical" or "substandard." in the process, they forget the most important rule of communication: Make it clear and understandable.

The purpose of communication is to convey ideas, not to show off vocabulary and grammatical expertise. The vocabulary you use in every-day speech has probably served you well. You use the words that you understand. Chances are, they're the words your friends, colleagues, understand. If you try to use words beyond the vocabulary of the people you're trying to communicate with, you’re not communicating; you're showing off.

Here are three basic communication skills;

a. Connecting with an audience
b. Conveying messages people can understand
c. Checking their responses

4. Practice

Practice in your room. During your personal moments, speak to yourself; express yourself to your own hearing. Make sure you are comfortable and familiar with your vocabulary. Be confident in yourself. When you have a slight opportunity, go for it. Make mistakes as many as possible and get corrections.

Practice makes perfect. To become perfect, you have to practice. It isn't enough to know what it takes to connect with people, to influence their behavior, to create a motivational environment for them, to help them to identify with your message. The techniques of communication have to become part of your daily activity so that they are as natural to you as swimming is to duck.


Nido Qubein
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