
My Mistakes

A young boy is caught up in several mistakes, including the ones he can not control. Seeking a way to correct them, he found out something new...


With upwardly slanted eyebrows and a frown, Jimmy watched the others kids playing around the room but for some reason, he was stalked on his seat. After a while, he averted his eyes from the kids and then fixed them on a small patchy-red notebook on top his desk.

Jimmy's eyes were obviously less blinking. He sat still on his seat with his right hand placed on top of the book. Then, he flipped over to a page of the book and paused. For someone who had spent almost an hour without flipping to a next page, he was obviously not reading the book. He was lost in thoughts.

The book was a portal to another realm from where his worried and sad look came. He was lost in thought until the song of a bird came through, to his tender ears and brought him back to the real world.

"Oh, my!" Jimmy sighed.

He looked up and down, and then to the kids playing. He wished he could join them, yet he couldn't stand from his seat. Just then, he heard the sound of a car engine from the outside.

When the car engine stopped, Jimmy hurried to one of the broken windows in the classroom to see who it was. Unfortunately, a female figure had already matched into the build. He only saw her shadow cast by the burning sun.

Jimmy hurriedly pulled out his left hand and took a glimpse at his watch. "It is time..." he said.

Fear crossed his face. Jimmy felt a cold clutching terror in his heart. He thought she wouldn't come, but now, he wished he didn't come to school. One of his eyebrows raised higher than the other and his lips pursed against each other.

He remembered last week, how he was flogged with a very long cane for being outrageously dirty and careless with his notebook. He used his saliva to clean a mistake on his assignment but ended up making a hole on the notebook. Now, there was another mistake.

Nine-years-old Jimmy had just started using a pen to write, after using pencil for six years. All his thought has been on how to escape punishment this time. He was scared of getting beaten again for being dirty. Although he had sworn never to play and get dirty in school again, he couldn't avoid the mistake on his assignment because he wasn't perfect with a pen.

He thought about using the eraser on his pencil, "at least it would be better than his saliva." Quickly, he emptied his school bag on his desk and found his old pencil. When he had packed up his bag, he began to use the eraser on the book in front of him.

Miss Jane stepped into the classroom just when Jimmy was done. She was one of the most caring and loving teachers in the school. Jimmy felt relaxed, he had finally found a way to cover his mistakes. While Miss Jane began to teach, Jimmy continued to crush the eraser against his book. Unfortunately, he ended making another hole in his book. The eraser couldn't clean his mistake, hence he added a little of his saliva.

When Miss Jane was done writing on the marker-board, she decided to walk around the class to check the assignment she had given to the pupil the previous day.

Jimmy almost ran out of the class when Miss Jane got to his desk. Since she was not with a cane, he decided to stay back.

Miss Jane opened Jimmy's not and saw what he had done. Looking at him, she smiled. Jimmy was already fidgeting, waiting to hear what she would say.
"Jimmy..." Miss Jane began.

"I can see what you have done. But listen to me. Whenever you make a mistake, just cross a line over it and move on. Trying to erase it would only damage your work."

"But, I don't want people to laugh at me when they see my mistake," Jimmy protested.

"I know, but trying to erase your mistake would only make more people know about your mess, and the stigma usually last for a very long time. Learn from your mistakes and make sure they don't occur again." Miss Jane said.



Instead of covering your mistakes, learn from them and make sure they don't happen again!


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