
5 Things That Can Ruin Your Perfect Relationship

Being in a relationship doesn’t just end with the word ‘Love’ and for most people, ‘S3x’. Relationship has its own standard rules and regulations just like every other engagement in the world. However, most people tend to bend these rules in other to suite their ulterior motives.

While there are a handful of stupid attitudes and decisions that could lead to the end of your relationship, here are 5 of them.

1. Money:

Money is generally known to be one of the main causes of breakups in most relationships. One of the few ways that money could cause serious problems in a relationship is when the woman earns more money than the man. Most times, she would turn the man to the woman of the house simple because she provides for him. In other cases, it might be that the man does not provide or have enough money to keep up with the fun called relationship.Especially when the lady begin to demand more than the man can afford.

2. Social media:

While social media has helped save a number of relationships and helped couples to keep in-touch with each other, it has also destroyed a lot of relationships. Most times, it becomes a big problem when one’s partner does not approve of the things his or her partner does online. Chatting on Social media websites could make your partner feel ignored or doubtful, because you would likely give more attention to your phone or laptop than your partner.

3. Secrets:

Keeping secrets is a very dangerous thing to do while in a relationship. It is more like distrust. The feeling is usually terrible when your partner finds out that you are keep something away from him or her. Especially, when it is a dirty secret and he or she eventually finds out, your relationship is likely going to be rocky for a very long or just end.

4. Abuse:

Abuse is a one-way bus to the end of your relationship – whether physically, emotionally or verbally. Respecting each others decisions and personality is the other is the best way to have a lasting relationship.

5. Jealousy and Insecurity:

No relationship can survive without trust and the feel of security. A couple who seem to be insecure or obsessively jealous are bound to constantly have problems. Trust me, this would likely lead to the end of their relationship. Working on your trust for each other is a sure way of having a long relationship.

I Hope This Helps. 

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