
The Dog That Walk On Water

Have you ever wanted to show off your precious and unique possession and get discouraged or disappointed at the end? I have too, and mine don’t always end as i would expect. Here is a typical illustration of what most people think about what you have.


There was a hunter who bought a special husky dog. The husky dog was special because it could walk on water. The hunter’s name was Jide. He was the only one that such special animal in his community and he was so fond of it.

One day, the hunter invited his friend for a joint hunting. He was not really interested in the bush meats and birds in the forest; his real intention was to show off his prized possession. On that day, he led the way to a perfect spot. The hunting area was an open field with a lot of trees and birds. There was a little river that divided the field from the main forest.

When they got there, the other hunter was surprised.

“What are we doing here,” he queried.

“To hunt of course…” Jide replied with his eyes darting wide across the trees.

“How can we hunt in the open field, while the forest across the river is where we would get bigger animals?”

“Don’t worry, what we need is here.”

Few minutes later, Jide saw a bunch of birds on a tree. He released shoot into the air to make the birds fly. Jide was a sharp shooter and didn’t bother about how fast the birds would fly at that instant. He pulled out gun and aimed at one of the bird’s wings.

When he had calculated where the bird would probably fall, Jide released a shot.

The bird fell into the nearby forest. The only way to get to it was crossing the river. Jide saw the opportunity to put his special husky dog to work. Right before his dear friend, he then ordered his dog to run and fetch the bird as it fell to the ground. With speed, the husky dog ran off.

When the dog got to the river, it walked on top of the water without sinking. The dog got to the other side and grabbed the bird with its mouth and then, returned to its owner.
Jide was happy. He turned to his friend with a big grin. 

“Did you notice anything special about my dog?” he asked.

“Yes I did, your dog can’t swim…!” his friend replied.

“What a lazy dog! You should kill it.”

Jide was sad at his friend response. He went home sad and never said a word to his friend from that day.


Not everyone would appreciate what you have. Some would want to steal it from you, while others would pray you never had it.

In all, you MUST not let what other people think about you or what you have, weigh you down.


Photo Source: google search
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