
Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression


Feeling depressed is a normal reaction to sadness, disappointment, frustration, loss, life's struggles, or an injured self-esteem. But when these feelings become overwhelming, showing physical symptoms and lingers for more than two weeks, it becomes a clinical Depression.
Clinical Depression keeps you from living a normal and active life. Hence, you would need to seek medical help when you notice these signs and symptoms.from professionals or qualified doctor.
“Clinical Depression” also known as “Major Depression” can be life-threatening if left untreated. Its symptoms may worsen and last for months or sometimes even years. They can cause terrible suffering and might even lead to suicide.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

According to, symptoms of depression may include many emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive symptoms. However, it is important to remember that we all experience some of these symptoms from time to time, and it may not necessarily mean you are depressed.
Equally, not everyone who is experiencing depression will have all of these symptoms. 

Emotional Symptoms

These symptoms are related to emotions. A depressed person may feel sad, hopeless, have little interest in things they used to and may feel overwhelmed.
  • “I don’t enjoy spending time with my friends anymore.”
  • “I’m always sad and I don't feel like myself.”
  • “Sometimes I don’t think my life is worth living.”
  • “I feel guilty for dragging everyone down with me.”

Physical Symptoms

The impact of depression is not always “mental,” it can affect the body as well. People with depression may complain of unexplained aches and pains, loss of appetite, insomnia or hypomania, etc.
  • “I feel I have no energy.”
  • “My appetite is gone.”
  • “I can’t control my weight anymore.”
  • “Lately I’ve had a lot of back pain.”
  • “My stomach hurts.”
  • “I often wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.”
  • “My joints ache, even though I don’t have any health problem like that.”
  • “I feel like I’m functioning in slow motion.”

Behavioural Symptoms

When a person suffers from depression, they may behave differently. A person who is lively and cheerful may become slow and uninterested in what is going on around them.
  • “I can’t seem to get myself up off the couch.”
  • “I have no interest in sex.”
  • “I feel on edge and restless.”

Cognitive Symptoms

Depression can also impair one’s ability to think and reflect and can affect memory.
  • “I just can’t make up my mind…I can’t make decisions.”
  • “I’m finding it really hard to concentrate.”
  • “I feel like I keep forgetting things.”
  • “I feel like I’m thinking in slow motion.”
  • “I feel I’m not as good at my job.”

Are There Warning Signs of Suicide With Depression?

WebMD suggests that warning signs of suicide with depression may include:

  • A sudden switch from being very sad to being very calm or appearing to be happy
  • Always talking or thinking about death
  • Clinical depression (deep sadness, loss of interest, trouble sleeping and eating) that gets worse
  • Having a "death wish," tempting fate by taking risks that could lead to death, such as driving through red lights
  • Losing interest in things one used to care about
  • Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless
  • Putting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a will
  • Saying things like "It would be better if I wasn't here" or "I want out"
  • Talking about suicide (killing one's self)
  • Visiting or calling people one cares about

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