
What is Depression?

What is Depression? 

Depression is a word which literally describes a number of feelings, including sadness, disappointment, frustration, and sometimes lethargy.

When depression sets in, you might feel alone in the struggle and even begin to wonder if there is something really wrong with you. To worsen it all, at that point the reactions and comments from other people such as, “Just get yourself together!” are not very helpful. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function in your daily activities.
If you feel depressed, remember that you are not alone.

Depression can affect anyone at any stage in life.  You may be wealthy or poor, an introvert or an extrovert, youthful or elderly, socially active or shy, male or female.  Whatever your distinction may be, you can become depressed at any time.

The reality is that many people experience depression from time to time, or even regularly.  In fact, it is estimated that 1 in every 4 people experience significant depression at some point in their life.

Is Depression a Health Condition?

Yes! Depression is a mental illness. In clinical practice, the term "Depression" also known as "Major Depression" or “Clinical Depression” is different from the fluctuations in mood that we all experience as a part of a normal day, in three main ways:
  • Clinical Depression is more intense
  • Clinical Depression lasts longer (two weeks or more)
  • Clinical Depression significantly interferes with effective day-to-day functioning
The World Health Organization (WHO) says that depression is the most common illness worldwide and the leading cause of disability. They estimate that 350 million people are affected by depression, globally. 

According to Centre for Clinical Interventions, here are five ways Depression is being expressed.

1. Depression as a Syndrome

A syndrome is a collection of events, behaviors, or feelings that often go together. The depression syndrome is a collection of feelings and behaviors that have been found to characterize depressed people as a group. You may find that you experience all or some of these feelings and behaviors. There are many individual differences to the number of symptoms and the extent to which different symptoms are experienced.  These symptoms are described in this next section.

2. Mood

Depression is considered to be a disorder of mood.

Individuals, who are depressed, describe low mood that has persisted for longer than two weeks.  In mild forms of depression, individuals may not feel bad all day but still describe a dismal outlook and a sense of gloom. Their mood may lift with a positive experience, but fall again with even a minor disappointment.  In severe depression, a low mood could persist throughout the day, failing to lift even when pleasant things occur.  The low mood may fluctuate during the day – it may be worse in the morning and relatively better in the afternoon. This is called ‘diurnal variation,’ which often accompanies a more severe type of depression. 

In addition to sadness, another mood common to depression is anxiety.

3. Thinking

Individuals who are depressed think in certain ways, and this thinking is an essential feature of depression.  It is as much a key symptom of depression as mood or physical symptoms.  Those who are depressed tend to see themselves in a negative light. They dwell on how bad they feel, how the world is full of difficulties, how hopeless the future seems and how things might never get better. 
People who are depressed often have a sense of guilt, blaming themselves for everything, including the fact they think negatively.  Often their self-esteem and self-confidence become very low. 

4. Physical

Some people experience physical symptoms of depression.
  • Sleep patterns could change.  Some people have difficulty falling asleep, or have interrupted sleep; others sleep more and have difficulty staying awake
  • Appetite may decline and weight loss occurs, while others eat more than usual and thus gain weight
  • Sexual interest may decline
  • Energy levels may fall, as those motivations to carry out everyday activities.   
  • Depressed individuals may stop doing the things they used to enjoy because they feel unmotivated or lethargic

5. Interacting with Other People

Many depressed people express concern about their personal relationships. They may become unhappy and dissatisfied with their family, and other close, relationships. They may feel shy and anxious when they are with other people, especially in a group. They may feel lonely and isolated, yet at the same time, are unwilling or unable to reach out to others, even when they have the opportunities for doing so.


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