
How To Get Over 5000 Likes on Your Facebook Posts

The social media platform, Facebook was originally created to collect the profile of students and staffs of Harvard University in 2004. Then, it expanded throughout the whole world as a platform where registered members (13years and above) could keep in touch with their loved ones, family and friends, those who are close and those who are far away.

However, over the last one or two years ago the idea of Facebook has really changed. While some people still maintain the later idea of this social media platform, others has turned it into a place to gain popularity, especially with the "Like" button.

Well, here we are! I want to share with you how to gain a huge number of likes on your Facebook posts.

I have observed a number of persons on my friends list and the amazing number of "Likes" they get from their posts even when some of the posts doesn't really make sense (I like them too though). I have seen someone with a status post: "Who wants to take me out..." getting over 100 Likes in few minutes.

This kind of reaction to a post is somewhat thrilling for some people, but for me, it is nothing because I know the secret. I have also observed a number of persons on my friends list, who take their time to share relevant posts but they end up with few likes and comments.

Forget about "buying likes"! Yes, i've seen some ads where you would be asked to pay a certain amount of money to gain a certain number of likes. I will share why you shouldn't waste you hard earned money in things like that. However, it might be "ok" to buy likes (if it even works), if you are using the social media platform for business (although there is a "sponsor" section, where you would have to pay a little amount of money for your post to reach a greater number of registered users on Facebook), but there would be no need to buy "Likes" if you use the platform just for fun and to connect with your friends.

Talking about connecting with your friends, Facebook users comprises of admirers, pretty-face lovers, fun seekers, resource lovers, polymaths, business men and women, haters, schoolmates, course mates, workplace colleagues, family and friends etc.

The "likes" you desire so much, comes from the persons in one or two of the categories listed above (if not all). But, if you are not getting the number of "likes" you desire despite the huge number of persons on your friends list, ask yourself this question:

"Am I connected to the right people?"

In other to get a huge number of likes on your posts on facebook, here are some head ups:

  • You need to be connected to the right people in other to get the "likes" you desire. The best category of people to connect to should be your close friends, school or classmates, or colleagues at work.
  • Be creative, classic and let you posts be unique.
  • Show some love to others by constantly "liking" their own posts, if possible share comments.
  • Share interesting posts people would love to read and re-share.
  • Learn to tag other friends to your posts.

*This is for individual users only!

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