
Little Things Also Makes A Difference

I was on one of my summer holidays at a beautiful island in a far country. The environment was the best out of several tourist zones I’ve ever seen; even Cuba has nothing like that. I never knew that the sky or cloud could be more beautiful at some locations. There were other fun-seekers like me and my dear friend, Lora.

After a stormy night at the beach, I decided to take a walk around the beach the next morning – a hobby I do not think I would ever drop especially when it comes to new environments. I saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfish and when the tide receded, the starfishes were left behind.

When I went closer, I noticed that the tide was really fresh and the starfish were alive but, with the morning sun rays, they would definitely die if they are not returned into the water. A thousand and one thoughts came running through my small head, one of which was to go and get a basket and pack some of them for the morning meal. Funny! Another was to throw them back into the water.

But how? I was the only one at the beach that morning and I had no super power like The Flash to pick them all in a second. On a second thought, I went closer to where the starfishes laid helplessly and picked up one. After looking at it for a second, I threw it into the water and picked up another one.

I did that repeatedly and suddenly I sighted a young man seated at the beach, not too far from where i stood. He looked like someone who has been jogging his head up since morning and decided to take some rest. He was just there, looking at what I was doing in awe.

He got up and walked to me. He then asked, "What are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?"

At first, I said not a word. He should have helped out but then, he chose to ask silly questions. I took two steps further, picked up another starfish and one threw it into the water. Again, I picked up another one and turned to him saying:

"It makes a difference to this one."


You can save the save the world by saving one person. Start with 1 before you count 2. Help is help no matter how small.

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