
Story Of King Midas Gold Touch

King Midas was one of the greatest kings who lived. He was very rich and happy; hence he lived successful until he became greedy. He had a lot of gold but, the more he had; the more he wanted. He used to store his gold in a vault and every morning he would spend time counting it.

One day, a stranger came to his home. The king welcomed him with gladness and showered him with so much love. The stranger was delighted and hence, asked the king to make a wish that he would like to see come true.

The king was marveled. Out of his greed and love for more wealth, he didn’t waste any minute and said, "I would like everything I touch to turn to gold."

"Are you sure?" The stranger asked the king.

"Yes," He replied.

So the stranger said, "Starting tomorrow morning with the sun rays you will get your golden touch."

The king thought it was a joke, but the stranger assured him that he could get what he wished for.

The next day, the king wake to the rising early morning sun and decided to test is promised gold touch. Immediately, he touched his bed and it turned to gold instantly. He was happy. He continued with some other properties he had in his bedroom and they all turned to gold. Soon all he had was all gold. He sat and watched them glitter with the sun rays – he now has what he wanted.

“Your food is ready, Sire!” one of his savants called his attention.

Indeed, he was hungry. He left to his golden dining table. As he sat on the dining table and stretched out his hand to grab a fruit. The moment he touched the fruit, it turned to gold. He went for water and the cup with the water inside, also turned to gold. His food too! He became sad.

"So I can't eat and drink anything?” he groans.

Just then, his daughter came running towards him. With a smiley face – lost in thoughts, he hugged her and she turned into a gold statue immediately.

The king cried out loud and felt to his knees, crying terribly like a baby looking for his mother. He was truly hurt.

The stranger who had granted the Kings wish came again to see how he is enjoying his new gift but, he saw the king crying and weeping.

“Why are you crying so bitterly, oh King?” the stranger asked.

“I am now the most miserable man on earth, Please take back you gift. I do not want gold anymore!” the king responded with tears running down his cheek.

"What would you rather have? Your sweet wine, food and loving daughter or these lumps of gold?" the stranger asked again.

The king cried louder and asked for forgiveness. He said, "I will give up all my gold. Please give me my daughter back because without her I have lost everything worth having."

"You have become wiser now, oh king!"

The stranger reversed the spell and King Mida got his daughter back. He learned a lesson that he never forget in his life.


Distorted values lead to tragedy. Sometimes getting what you want may be a bigger tragedy than not getting what you want.

Unlike the game of soccer where players can be substituted, the game of life allows no substitutions or replays. We may not get a second chance to reverse our tragedies, as the king did.

Stick to what you have and be grateful.

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