
On A Very Good Day!

Mr. Stein was already running late. He was on his way to a job interview scheduled for 9am when he got a call from his house maid.

His pregnant wife had developed complications and was rushed to the hospital by his neighbours. His maid told him the doctor demanded for his presence immediately.

Stein hastily called the doctor directly to know his wife's condition.

The doctor told him that his wife could not give birth on her own. He said she needed to be opened up in other to save her life and that of her child. He told Stein to come immediately with a deposit of N50,000 for the operation or he may loose his wife and his unborn child.

Stein was devastated. He was almost at his interview venue and the time was already 8:45am. The worst part was that he didn't have N50,000 at home or anywhere.

He decided to attend to his wife first and go to the interview afterwards.

Stein dropped from the taxi which was taking him to the interview. He called back the doctor and told him to start preparing for the operation.

Stein went back home and took the documents of his remaining home gadgets to the bank to get a loan. It took about 1hour and 20minutes to finish the processing at the bank before N50,000 was handed over to him.

Stein went straight to the hospital. His wife was already inside the theatre but the doctor was still waiting for him in his office. Stein was directed to the cashier, where he made the deposit and took the receipt to the doctor as demanded.

He stayed with his wife briefly and left for the interview after he signed few documents the doctor gave him over the operation.

Unfortunately, the taxi he entered broke down on the way. He had to walk for few minutes before he could get another taxi.

Mr. Stein arrived at the interview venue at about 11:30am, which exactly was 2hours 30minutes late for the interview. The company's gate was not locked, the gate man was not on his post either, so he went straight into the compound.

On getting to the entrance door, he noticed that it locked from the inside. He made use of the visitors electronic bell but no one seemed to hear it's disturbing sound from the inside.

At exactly 9am that morning, a delivery man had rang the same bell and when nobody opened the door, he left.

Stein sat by the door helplessly but hopeful. A billion thoughts came running through his small head.
Fortunately, the door opened few minutes later and the company's secretary came forward.

Stein dusted his coat and approached the lady. With fear that he would be thrown out of the gate, he tried to apologize for being late to the interview.

"Good morning madam! Please I am sorry, I came by..."

The lady interrupted him before he could finish his statement.

Surprisingly, she apologized to him instead on behalf of the company and ushered him into the building. She took him to the office were the company's board members were having a meeting.

"I apologize to you Mr Stein on behalf of this company for keeping you waiting since 9am. We heard when the bell rang earlier but we were held up in a meeting with our company suppliers. However, we have been deliberating on your job specification, your office and the salary you will be paid," said the Chairman.

Mr Stein was baffled.

"But sir, I have not been interviewed yet," he said.

The Chairman responded: "Yes. We decided not to conduct the interview at least to save time and also to save other interviewees the stress of coming here. We went through the different CV we received on the job opening and we selected you as the most appropriate person. However, we had tested your patience this morning by keeping you waiting until now. That was your interview."

He directed the secretary to show Mr. Stein his office and brief him on the benefits that has been allotted to him.

Stein was assigned a company car and a driver, a house and 2years probation.

He got the job!

On his way out, his phone rang and it was his maid. She told him that his wife has given birth to a baby boy without operation. She added that the money he paid earlier was used to settle the hospital bills. That was his first child after 6years of marriage.

God is in-charge here! #IfYouBelieve. HE can do anything On A Very Good Day!

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