
How To Effectively Manage a Social Media Page and Make It FUN!

Social media groups include your pages on Facebook, google+, whatsapp, and many others.

When I created my first Facebook page, the idea was to have a platform where I could easily reach out to my friends, share my little knowledge with them and at the same time, learning from them as members of the group.

Few days ago, I observed two people chatting on one of the Whatsapp groups which I was a member. One of them said the group was too quiet and as such, would likely die out soon. The other one later shared an article on ’10 Things that could make a group die off’.

This piece of writing by an unknown author gave birth to my opinion on how to manage a social media group or page and make it fun!

Here's the article:



  1. Someone will post a post but none will comment but once another person posts a post everyone will comment. Are other group members more important than others? It shouldn't be so.
  2. Not answering greetings especially if the person who posted the greetings is not a tight friend of theirs.... discrimination. That's not the way to go.
  3. Some people in the group do not take notice of others at all....looking down on others. Sad ain't it.
  4. Some people in the group are arrogant and pompous... They are in the group but they don't contribute and when they do, expect all others to agree with their views.
  5. Some people will never comment on anything unless the post is funny or will make them laugh.
  6. Some people don't know how to comment on issues .They're too quick to criticize little mistakes. Mistakes are allowable and part of life.
  7. Some friends will contact themselves behind the scene first before joining the group discussion on platform. Just be real and be yourself.
  8. Some people will not attend group programs unless their close friends will attend
  9. Some people believe that when they do not comment on platform their absence must be felt and seriously feel the group hinges on them and will collapse without them.  
  10. Appreciating ladies on any platform has a greater tendency of keeping it alive than collapsing it. Intimidating them is sure to collapse the group. Avoid it. Appreciate them.


Really, I totally agree with all of these. But, you will have to agree with me that these attitudes wouldn't come up if the objective or purpose of the group is withheld or being considered first by its members before making any post on the page.

In other to keep your group alive, fun and just the way you want it, the following should be considered.

1. Have a standard rule:

Many people overlook the fact. They just create a group and go on with posting anything they come across. The purpose of the group should be considered first and only related posts should be shared on the page.

2. Discussions should be in Topics:

A group is obviously made up of 3 or more people. Hence, discussions or posts on the group's page shouldn't be on individual choice of content unless it is informative.

3. Share relevant and general topics

This is the best way to keep your group alive. Start up a discussion with a general topic. Something everyone on the group should know about. This would help trigger comments and sharing of opinions. For instance: "what is your take on relationship", "how is the government of Nigeria in your area?" etc.

4. Play games:

No matter how busy any of the members of the group would be, he/she will surely have a minute or two to take part in a social game. For instance, if the group is made up of your colleagues from high school: "You could post a photo of a member and ask the group to describe the fellow in one word, or say what they like or dislike about the fellow".

5. Celebrate members:

Celebrating members of your group is another way to keep the members coming. Celebrating your group member’s feats, special days, and lots more makes them feel loved.

I hope this helps!

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