
7 Things That Actually Attracts Men To A Woman

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes men swoon? Sometimes it's not easy trying to figure out how to get the man of your dreams to fall for you. He should definitely like you for your true self - flaws and all. But nothing's wrong with having a little extra boost when it comes to charming a man.

Sometimes it's necessary to know what actually attracts men, whether you're trying to get a cute date or you're just plain curious.

Here are seven things that attract men, according to science:

1. Kindness

Kindness is something we all look for in a potential spouse, and for a good reason. People tend to gravitate toward positive, selfless people instead of mean, selfish people. While it's fabulous to have kind, giving, compassionate qualities for your character, it does more for you than just make you a good person.

According to a recent study done by Evolutionary Psychology, having this "giving and caring nature" actually boosts your physical attractiveness.

2. Good listening skills

Listening is so important in every relationship - even if it's just barely starting to blossom. Showing your potential future spouse you care about them and genuinely want to know about their life is extremely attractive to men, and they feel like they can trust you.

The more you listen to him, the closer you'll become. There are so many distractions in the world today, so taking time to actively listen might seem hard. But it's such an attractive quality, and your man is sure to love you for it.

3. The color red

In a study done by University of Rochester, they found that men are actually more attracted to a woman when she's wearing red, but they're unaware of it. The color red represents love, passion and romance, but there's actually a deeper psychological reason men are attracted to red.

According to experts, the color red represents sexual maturity, power and fertility in animals. When it comes to humans, "it is believed that a woman's face becomes redder while she's ovulating." Another article states that when someone is sexually excited, their face flushes and turns a red color - which is another reason men are attracted to red.

4. Confidence

Confidence is huge when it comes to attracting a man. When a woman talks negatively about herself and has a low self-esteem, it can make everyone else feel slightly uncomfortable. But if a woman is sure of herself and is happy with herself, it's easier to build a relationship with her and be around her.

Confidence is such a great quality to have, and it gives you a positive vibe that people are attracted to. If you struggle with self-confidence, find what makes you happy and do it. When you're happy, it's so much easier to love yourself.

5. When you laugh at their jokes

This one isn't too surprising, but men love validation. If they tell a joke, they'll love it if you laugh (even if it's not that funny). Research also shows a good sense of humor is an important quality for women to have.

But a good sense of humor means different things for men and women. According to the study, women like a funny man, while men like a woman who will think they're funny.

6. When you're in a group

Men tend to find women more attractive when they're in a group of other women. This is also known as the "cheerleader effect."

When a lot of average-looking people get together in a group, they all appear more attractive because their flaws are downplayed due to the fact that you're looking at a lot of people at once. You're totally gorgeous with or without a group of people, but if you want to really attract a man, take your squad along.

7. Having an adorable pet

Now you have the perfect excuse to get that cute little puppy you've been wanting, because men are more attracted to women who have pets. Think about it - how many times have you been somewhere, seen the cutest little animal ever and wanted to pet it? Or maybe you did pet it and made conversation with its owner?

Research shows animals draw people together, and talking about a person's pet is the perfect icebreaker. From there, it's easier to ask someone on a date or make further conversation with them. Pets also are shown to calm anxiety, so when you have a pet by your side, a man is more likely to feel comfortable talking to you.
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