What have you been using wrongly all these time?
Our lives are filled with various items that we use on a daily basis, and often we take certain objects for granted. Surprisingly, many of these items play important roles in our routine. We are so accustomed in using the part we know and do not give a second thought about the rest.
This article will help open your eyes and minds and let you accept that many of these objects are much handier, clever and useful that we think.
Check various uses of the items below and see for yourself!
1. The hole in the cap of a ballpoint![]() |
youtube.com |
The hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen is there to lower the risk of suffocation. If a small child was chewing on the cap and choked on it, the hole keeps their airway from closing up entirely.
2. The little holes in the windows of airplanes
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Sean Gladwell / Getty Images, Phasuthorndesign / Getty Images |
The other reason is that it prevents the windows from fogging up.
3. Extra piece of fabric that comes with new clothes
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youtube.com |
4. The little pocket on your jeans?
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Tpopova / Getty Images |
5. So, what about the studs?
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Tarzhanova / Getty Images |
The rivets just exist to strengthen the trousers at the most conspicuous spots.
6. Those little holes in Converse All Stars?
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dancinintheclouds / Via instagram.com |
But some people think that because Converse All Stars were originally made as basketball shoes, laces could be looped through the extra holes for a snugger fit.
7. Ever wonder what the little hole at the end of a tape measure is for?
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seejanedrill / Via youtube.com |
8. And what about the little serrated edge?
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youtube.com |
A little serrated edge would come in handy right then, wouldn't it?
9. That hole in the handle of your pot is useful for more than one reason.
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fuckyeahlifehacks.tumblr.com |
10. And the hole on your pasta spoon?
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kea / Via ikea.com, PolarChi / Via imgur.com |
11. What's that arrow next to your gas gauge there for?
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jassy_in_pictures / Via instagram.com |
12. Why is one side of a bobby pin bent into a zigzag?
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Coprid / Getty Images |
That's an easy one! The grooved side is the bottom of the pin and should face toward the scalp. The grooves help the hairpin hold the hair better.
13. Ever notice a little hole in the bottom of a padlock? Here is it's purpose
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youtube.com |
The hole can also be used to oil the lock to keep it working well.
14. What about this thick bit found on many cables?
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Xell / CC BY-SA / Via de.wikipedia.org |
Have you ever heard weird interference when your cell phone goes off too close to a speaker? Well, ferrite cores are there to keep that from happening to your monitors, power supplies, and everything else.
15. Do you even know how utility blades work?
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Onairjiw / Getty Images |
To do so, take that back cap off, slide the blade out the back end, and use the cap to snap off the end of the blade before putting it all back together again.
16. And why do some cream caps have a little spike in them?
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mymumwasahippie / Via instagram.com |
17. And the little bumps on the "F" and "J" keys on a keyboard?
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Getty Images |
18. What about the hole found in rulers?
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BuzzFeed / schreibwaren-kural / Via ebay.de |
19. Why does an Apple power cable have wings?
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Twitter: @DLFSME_DSBOJE, Twitter: @_JeremiahS |
20. And what's the dot next to the camera on an iPhone for?
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BuzzFeed / t-driver2015 / Via ebay.de |
21. Have you been eating Tic Tacs wrong all these time?
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palmsilo / Via instagram.com, Twitter: @oxruon |
22. And the little disc under the lid of a plastic bottle?
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BuzzFeed / Andreas / Via raketenmodellbau.org, Shijiazhuang Beike Sealing Technology Co., Ltd. / Via german.alibaba.com |
They're there to create a seal that keeps everything in that bottle, both liquid and carbonation. Without it, that soda would go flat in no time.
23. What about the mysterious blue side of an eraser?
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StupidQuail / Via etsy.com |
24. And why do wine and champagne bottles have those indentations in the bottom?
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weingutfaubel / Via instagram.com |
The sides and bottoms of bottles are weak spots, and the indentation helps evenly distribute the pressure inside the bottle. That's why it's so much deeper on champagne bottles, which are under much more pressure due to the carbonation.
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- BuzzFeed
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