
Street of Hope

I found myself walking down the street of hope, where my destiny must have buried itself awaiting my arrival. Although my mission was clear, the vision of my path was not so obvious. But, It was my decision to walk and I walked. At that time, darkness had made friends with the daylight and had taken over the watch of the earth.

I walked. Even when I sensed danger luring in the dark like a thief, I stayed focused and walked. My shadow was no where to be found, but the zeal to keep going kept me company. I made my way forward, gliding through the dark, my strides resting on what seemed like a spider web. It was my path - a rough and narrow way. Then, I heard an old man say "I've loved a woman for almost 50years now".

The tone of the voice was mine, aged. I was so touched. I felt a strong cold, clutching around my very skinny self. When I thought I had heard it all, I heard the old voice say again "I wish she knew"...that line kill the me on a mission.

I stood at akimbo with a dropping jaw. "What did I just hear?" I said to my selfless self, reminiscing. No way! It can't be.

I knew it could be me next, if I let go. I knew I had a target and a mission. What would be of me if I turn around and begin another journey towards my starting point without a fight. Yes! I would be called a fool and a coward. And I would finally be the voice I heard.

So many times, we let fear, doubt and pride, cloud our path and we let go of great opportunities, life changing relationships and transforming friendships. We are scared to take a stand and walk through the street of hope.

However, let it be known that in situations as tough as a copper string; If we fail, we could rise again; If we lose, we could start again; even if we miss a goal, we know we had tried our best.

Be wise, stay on your path. Your next turn might just be the street you've always wanted to see. Then you can tell yourself, "I have arrived".

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