
My Love Story

Hello! My name is Brian. Where I come from and where I am going to does not matter here, but what does is what is happening right now. This is because:

“What happens now, determine where I will be going to and where I would be, can change where I come from.” – Kennplus.


Today is Ella’s birthday and I am really really excited. Why? Because I would be meeting a lot of beautiful faces today. That’s not all though, my dad is coming back and I will be meeting Ella’s sister, Jenny for the first time outside school. I guess that’s the best part.

I don’t like school uniforms, they always make me look serious and like a child but I’m not. A 17years old boy isn’t a child anymore… I’v grown joor! Here in Port Harcourt city, everyone is somebody so no one messes with me because of my age.  I'm handsome, 1.6ft tall, fair in complexion with brown eyes and I love to keep my hair on low cut.

Although I’m free to do whatever I want to do, it always has to be the good ones else I will not see the sky for one week. Yeah! It’s that serious. That has been my big brother’s biggest threat whenever I do something wrong. Anyway, I am not ready to go against the law – not yet!

I love playing games, especially adventures games like Lord of the Rings, Prince of Persia. For actions, I prefer Hit man, Call of Duty, Grand Theft series and of course PES. Anyone who doesn’t like PES isn’t planning to go to heaven…#smiles. Yes, because it is going to be fun in the Kingdom and PES is fun. I love Jesus. I love writing too, although I wish to be as great in writing as my friend James Polamz King. He is a great believer too. I wouldn’t tell you how I got to know him or where I met him, not yet. But JPKing is on earth, search for him on facebook, twitter or instagram, I’m sure he is somewhere there.

Did I mention that I love travelling too? Well, you can call me Mister Tourist. It is advisable to try as much as you can to widen your experience – that’s another way to learn.

Develop yourself. Over the course of my being on earth, that is one of the many things I’ve learnt everyone must do. If you remain the way you are, the way you have been, you will remain where you are. Trust me, you wouldn’t like that! One of the many ways I chose to develop myself is through reading and writing. Another way is meeting great minds. How can you tell if you meet a great mind? Listen to what the say. You don’t just make friends because they are friends of your friend, make friends with benefit. Ok! Calm down let me explain.

Friends with benefit – I mean people who you can learn from and also teach. It’s not just people you have s3x with and perhaps, give money. Friends play a great role in the path to your destiny. If you want to be rich, friends would help you, and if you want to be poor, friends would also help. So, your life is totally you own game of throne. You choose, you fight and you get it.

Sometime, words aren’t enough to express how I feel. In these times, I hug. That is one of the special characteristics I've learnt from my good friends James Polamz King, Ella and Cindy. Right now, I feel like hugging YOU… Yes! You, my reader.

I have a lot to share with you, my life has been something else, in other words, crazy!

Seat tight and just read. This is my love story!
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