
Legend of the Crimson Moon

It started 5,000 years ago in the land of Mesopotamia, a dark and barren Island that stood uninhabited for years. Humans thought the land of Mesopotamia was untouchable because of…

The Humans that lived in a nearby town, Transylvania were visited by a Dark Wanderer. His name was Aetius – a wicked, megalomaniac scientist who practiced the dark Arts and amalgamated those practices with his experiments. Aetius believed that he could find a way to cheat death by exploiting the immense Plasma Energies in the blood of the living. Because of these experiments, he was being casted out of every town he visited. So, he went from one town to another hoping to find the right method for achieving his goal.

After being reprimanded severely by the townsfolk, he found a Nobleman known as Marcus, who was cruel and wanted nothing more than supreme power. Aetius promised him everlasting life, and he invited him to his castle to begin the process.

No one knew exactly what happened in that castle, or what Aetius did to Lord Marcus. Only this is known – Aetius created something in Marcus that changed history forever. Death was not cheated that day; instead, death was allowed to come into this world.

After several days, the townsfolk of Transylvania began to notice that some of their neighbors and friends were missing. They suspected that something horrible was happening up in Lord Marcus castle. So, the townsfolk armed with pitchforks, rakes and shovels and walking staffs stormed the castle. There, they saw Marcus standing over several corpses – citizens of Transylvania that were missing, neighbors and friends. The townsfolk surrounded and subdued Marcus. They took him to the town square and hanged him immediately.

History says that the whole time he hung up there with his life seeping from his body, he smiled. At the moment of his death, something else was born into this world.

To purge this new evil from the land, the people of Transylvania buried Marcus in the forsaken Island of Mesopotamia. They never looked back, and never returned there; hence they never knew that the grave in which they laid Marcus was empty.

Many years past, and this Island of Mesopotamia suddenly began to spring up life. Grass began to grow, trees, and all sorts of creatures began inhabiting the land. Yet, the people of Transylvania never ventured forth into this awakening land. They declared it cursed and forbid for anyone to enter it. Those that chose to ignore this edict were never seen again.

Rumors began spread when people began to disappear again, only to be found dead. The victims were always found with all their blood drained from their body, and two small puncture wounds at their neck. It was believed that Evil had come out of the Cursed Land and was slowly devouring Transylvanians.

After some time, the remaining inhabitants of Transylvania formed a chosen band of Crusaders who marched to the Cursed Land. Their Mission was to stomp out any Evil they found there.

It was here, in an area called The Dark Forest that they came upon a Castle called Vastill. This was where the Crusaders of Transylvania had their first encounter with a blood-sucking creature called, Vampire.

Marcus was the first of his Kind. The strength he possessed was no matched for any mortal man. He tossed the Crusaders into the stone walls of the Castle as if they were nothing but molding putty. That night, Marcus killed half of the Citizens of Transylvania before the Crusaders stabbed him in the head. Thinking he was dead, they buried him in a hole 20 feets deep. When the last shovel of earth was thrown onto the grave, the Crusaders left and never looked back.

Unfortunately for the residents of Transylvania, the massacre at Castle Vastill was only the beginning. The next night after the Crusaders walked away from Marcu's new grave, he returned to Transylvania city alongside an army of the Undead. This was the beginning of the first Vampire Clan known as The Elders.

The Mayor of Transylvania City, Grayman was in despair over the loss of most of his townsfolk when who should return to the city. On a dark and blustery night, Aetius came to Mayor Grayman and manipulated him into being his next lab rat. This time, Aetius tapped into the hidden Plasma Energies in the blood of the Wolf. The Wolf was a creature of the Night, and Aetius spent many weeks to fuse Mayor Grayman’s blood with that of a Wolf. This gave Grayman the ability to change at will into a creature of half Man, half Wolf with incredible strength and agility. This was the first werewolf (Lycan).

This new creature filled with rage and violence became a worthy opponent for the Vampires of the Mesopotamia Island. Grayman spent his first night as a Lycan killing and turning several Transylvania townsfolk into what he was. He dragged them into Mt. Ravania, near Mesopotamia Island. It was here that his victims shared in his fate and formed the first Werewolf (Lycan) Clan, The Rage.

It is believed that over time, the two new races began to work together and started a new town called Millstown. The town began to prosper until when the unthinkable happened. A Lycan felt in love with a Vampire and they were with child – the beginning of yet another race – The Hybrid, but this union was forbidden. The news of the child fueled anger and resentment between the Vampire and Lycans and it was the beginning of the great Undead War. Many Vampires and Lycan were killed during the War until a truce was enacted.

Over the years, more Hybrids came into being and they too, began their own Clans.

Sometime after the War, the Millstown City grew and was renamed Melania. The city towered above the rest and it is believed that no Human could venture into Melania. For if they did, they will become food!

THE GAME available on

Choose your race (Vampire, Werewolf or Hybrid) and begin your journey into Melania. Will your path be of Peace or War? You choose. The adventure awaits you in the Glow of the Crimson Friend!

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