
10 Habits of Couples in a Healthy Relationship

What makes a healthy romantic relationship differs from couple to couple. Becoming a trusting and positive partnership takes a lot and mostly, time; hence, a healthy relationship doesn’t just happen overnight. For any relationship to grow strong and stay strong there is need to put in some real work.

Below are some habits of couples in a healthy relationship or how to keep a long and strong relationship:

1. Communication
Couples in a healthy relationship often communicate. They talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of themselves. They express their love for one another, saying “I love you” often and offering compliments to each other. No matter how awkward or uncomfortable it feels, couples need to be in great communication with their partner.

2. Respect
Respecting your partner comes in handy when you want a healthy relationship. Aretha Franklin even sang a song about it, just to show how important it is in a relationship. This habit ranges from respecting your partner’s time, heart, character, trust, etc. However, couples should desist from all things that would threaten their relationship, including name-calling and battery.

3. Spend Quality Time Together
It doesn’t matter how much time you spend with your partner, the most important thing is making this time worth the while. Spending quality time together increases your connection with each other.

4. Spending Time Apart

In a healthy relationship, spending time apart gives your relationship a new definition. At most, you get to see more reason why you should be together.

5. Use Love Languages
According to Gary Chapman, words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, service, and physical touch are five love languages which are essential for a lasting relationship. It is important to know what love language works for you to stay connected.

6. Show Appreciation
Everybody wants to hear the words "thank you", even kids. Often, we forget to let our dear ones know that we appreciate them. We probably do have it in mind, but we somehow forget to show it. Expressing appreciation using words, gifts like flowers or cards, acts of kindness, or more is ideal for a healthy relationship.

7. Focus on the positive part of your partner
True! Everyone has a dark and ugly side or sometimes we get caught up in the negative. However, it is vital to focus on your partner’s positive side instead of looking for faults or taking advantage of their ugly side.

8. Sex

Let’s talk about sex, honey. Sex is simple. It makes a relationship to flourish more. The more you have it, the more you feel connected to your partner. Keep your sex life alive and more interesting – it is not just meant for the bedroom.

9. Don’t Compare
Couples in a healthy relationship don’t compare their relationship with others. It makes would only make it difficult for couples to last longer together. What works for some other couple might not work for you. So instead of comparing your relationship with others, appreciate it. Happy couples don’t look at what the grass looks like on the other side.

10. Stay away from pretense – Being truthful
Treat your partner the best way you can and don’t falsify or pretend. Do not make him or her believe in something that is not true, because when the truth is finally revealed your relationship would go weary and would likely end. Being truthful guarantee a lasting relationship.


Image Source: Blogger
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