
Sex In A Relationship: Important Facts You Need To Know

RELATIONSHIP AND SEX - 99% of people in the world today (if not 100%) believe that if a lady introduces sex on a first date, she is loose or not morally upright and if a man initiates it on the first date, he is a player who's only in for sex. Also, when sex is introduced either by the man or woman after a few months into the relationship, we tend to check if pre-marital sex is okay! But, should we be interested in the timing of sex in a relationship or on absolute abstinence from sex until marriage?

Sex "might" be good, but its consequences when the timing is wrong - could be a person’s worst nightmare. Although it is becoming fashionable today to engage in sex out of wedlock - we need to understand that as much as we are free to choose our actions, we have little or no control over what our actions would tag along.

In our world today, people have attempted to undermine the consequences of untimely and pre-marital sex by the introduction of condoms. But unfortunately, condoms have no 100% guarantee of safety, so alongside the introduction of condoms are the risks of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

A businessman will tell you that “when making a business decision, we do not contest the decision to neglect an action whose surpasses the benefits.” So, why is it that we still indulge in sex before marriage, knowing that the risks it tags along outweigh the benefits?

Yeah! We know that a child is a precious gift. But, a young girl carrying an unwanted pregnancy would beg to differ. The unease and fear that comes with the protrusions of her longtime-saved flat tummy is undoubtedly horrifying when the timing for the pregnancy is wrong.

For our young boys and girls, 'NO' amount of love can justify the pain and shame of an unwanted pregnancy. So while the young men should please try and keep their trousers zipped up (i know it’s not easy), the young girls should also try and keep their legs closed and dress decently for crying out loud!
To those who say sex happened because they couldn’t control their emotions, what if right when you are about to get real busy and your partner says “wait! I hate to deceive you, but I am HIV positive, but now that I have let it out let’s continue”!

Would you dare continue? I bet you wouldn’t, all that your emotion will be squashed at a blink. So I feel we should stop deceiving ourselves on issues about sex and just wait until marriage.

Now, you wouldn’t dare to tell me that you don’t know that premarital sex (a.k.a fornication) is a great Sin (1 Cor 6:9).

Someone may even wonder what if the bad thing was done in a bid to honour God, well...the Bible still insists it is wrong. To speed things up, Romans 3:8 states; ‘there is no good way to do a bad thing’. Therefore, courtship! hehehehe!!!!! I said COURT-SHIP! should not an excuse for you to indulge in pre-marital sex!

Trust me all the hype you must have heard about sex is overrated. The bikini wears and all the scandalous portrayal of this sinful deed are more of display than the real thing. I am sure most married people would testify that sex isn’t such a great thing all the time.

Some would say that sleep is better off than sex especially after a long and tiring day. So, why not stop allowing the decadence around you, take advantage of your curiosity.

Thank you for understanding!


Photo Source: NETng
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