
Naked To Death

Nothing in life is worth dying for. Life itself is a FREE gift. Let's enjoy this time when we are not dead, use it to bless others and be grateful for It; Life is too short to spend time feeling bigger and better than any other person.


"What's the squabble all about?" I yelled at my brother, toned as if I didn't cared.

"Your girlfriend, your fiancée, your wife – if you care to have one, is someone else's ex. Your finest shirt is someone else's rag. Life is too short to spend time feeling bigger and better than any other person."

“We are all naked to death, what you own doesn’t matter. No one lives forever. Kill a man today and another man will kill you tomorrow. Learn to deal with your emotions. Think about the welfare of others too, whilst thinking about yourself because the people you see on your way up might be the same people you will see on your way down."

I am no fanatic to my big brothers course. I've poured out my thoughts to him and that was a relief.

In the darkness of early morning, a disturbing noise from Dean's room brought my night rest to an untimely end. I was disappointed that the long hours I spent on bed didn't take a toll on my mental alertness (I guess I'm just designed that way). However, at the instant I tried to stand on my feet, my bones felt like they were about to break into piece but somehow, I managed to gain a bit of strength and got over it.

"What could be happening?" I murmured.

The noise then turned into voices – it was Deans and his new girlfriend. Before I could move my heavy body to Dean's room, they were no longer there. Down the stairs to the sitting room, I bumped into him arguing with his girlfriend. He had a big luggage, held firmly on his left hand while the lady struggles to get it back.

I stood still, stared and listened to their argument with my hands folded; my lips felt like it's stuck together with balm. The problem was I wasn't sure what I had to do or say.

"What is going on here?" I finally spoke out loud.

"Let me have my bag, Dean," the lady yelled. "It's over!"

"Oh...not again!" I murmured.

Those words said it all. This was the same scenario that got Dean locked up for 2 year. I thought the time he spent in jail must have cooled his fervor but I was wrong. He was still the same man that almost killed another man for engaging his girlfriend.

This time, Dean threatened to kill the girl if she leaves him and marry another man. He wasn't ready for marriage and yet, he doesn't want to let go of the girl who is.

I have never confided Dean’s disappointment to anyone before, although my hatred for him has not abated.

I hate Dean for so many reasons, the most being that he is so careless with his attitude towards life. He believes he is the best, he has everything and hence, he can get anything and anyone he desires. He cares about nothing and no one else but himself. He does everything the way he wants it without considering its effect on other people.

"I have more than he can offer you!" Dean yelled at her. "Who is he anyway? Does he even have a car? I am sure he still lives in a rented apartment..."

Dean continued his rant while I pleaded with him to stop and let go of the lady's bag.

There is however, one thing I still like about him. 'Big brother' may be rude to nature but, he never turned away from an opportunity to rail against the worst of his attitude towards other people. His troubles make me feel insecure, floating in vague and internal melodrama.

Dean finally listened to my plea and released the lady's bag, knowing fully what the resultant of his action could be. I took the bag and gave it back to lady, showed her the way out and warned her to be careful in her next relationship.

I felt Dean's pain and emptiness.  I stayed at his place but, we lived like strangers. I was glad gave peace a chance.

Dean yawned periodically to everything I said to him. "My dear little brother...," he finally said after a minute. "I am still your elder!"

Dean. Tell him a bit of the truth and he reminds you who was the oldest.

We were seated on a hill that overlooked the beautiful flora of a long abandoned farmland. The view was beautiful and the evening fresh air was exactly what we needed after a troubled morning. It was an awesome time for a real family reunion.


Readers Note: "NAKED TO DEATH" (A series coming shortly with a different storyline.)

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