
Food & Health: Reasons Why People Fall Sick

When I was a little boy, my grandmother used to tell me that the trees, animals, the rivers and even the mountains can talk. In those days, I would walk for miles inside the forest, looking around and stretching my ears to hear the forest say something useful. At end of the day, I would only go home with the rhythmical sound of the wind.

Sometimes, I would go to my mother and ask her, “Is it true that trees, rivers, animals and even mountains can talk? Are they human beings?”

She would reply, “There is more to hear than what you can hear and there is also more to see than you can see.”

As I grew up, I got to know that it is true that the trees, animals, water and even the mountains can talk, but we can’t see or hear them. The problem is that: In our daily pursuit of material comfort through the search and hustle for wealth or more of it, we lose the ‘why’ of our life’s which in turn, is our purpose.

We have been carried away by the philosophy of the modern world which tells us that the utmost goal of life is richness, comfort, fame, obtaining wholeness and personal development to seek other unnecessary things of this ‘deceitful’ world.
Have you ever wondered why the more material things we tend to acquire, the more unhappy and restless we become? Maybe you’ve come across this somewhere, somehow but you probably don’t know the ‘Why?’ but it is simple. This is because the world has been filled with ‘deceitful’ things which CANNOT give us lasting security and peace and yet we strive to acquire them. I’m not saying that being rich is bad, rather I am shooting at the fact that we should first recognize the very purpose of our life and acknowledge the source.                                                                                 

Now, the society says; “be rich, have pleasure or enjoy yourself, get power, be famous...for all these are the purpose of life.” I tell you today that these ‘false’ conceptions of life, of all reality, are the very reason why people fall sick. People do all sorts of things and jobs just to make more money and when the money comes around, they eat anything that pleases their eyes and taste.

Having imbibed the mechanistic world view which sees natural things as mere objects for an exploit, and the human body – a mere object of pleasure, we eat what we like, drink anything that our celebrities are ambassadors of, and live as we want. We are no longer at ease!

The illusion that science and technology can provide solutions to all our problems is gradually being shattered. Why is it that despite the technological advancement of America and Japan, the industrial revolution of Europe and the wonderful scientific breakthrough of our dear modern world, more and more people still die of “incurable” illness?

Be mindful of what you eat and drink! Good health comes next after the creator.

(Thank you Anselm Adodo, OSB for the inspiration)
Photo credit: Nationaleve
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