
The Bus Driver

Tunde stood still under the scorching afternoon sun rays. He was still on his school uniform, waiting for the bus that always drives him home. His timing was right, so he thought.

15 minutes passed and Tunde was still under the sun. The road was quiet and obviously, he was the only one on the road - standing by the bush side. He was sure the bus would come, so he continued to wait.

Out of nowhere, he spotted a figure gliding down the road like a zombie. At first, he was scared – the road was lonely and he had no weapon to defend himself.

Step after step, the figure came closer and finally, it appeared to be an old man. Tunde became less tensed.

"If he is something else, I would fight it. Unless it has a gun," the young boy said to himself.

"Gun? It is the most dangerous weapon in the world," Tunde once said during a class discussion.

That is what he believes. All his life, gun has been his worst nightmare. On the sight of one, he would probably faint or even die - at worst. He has seen the damages gun can do, in the movies though. He has also heard stories of armed robbers and what they do with guns especially during a chase by the police or a face to face shoot-out.

The old man looked innocent and harmless. He wore a zoot siut with strip shirt, a pair of sneakers, a bow tie and an old truck hat. "What a fashion!"

He is old and probably does not care about the later days dressing style. He was comfortable in his suite, even under the scorching sun. No wonder they saw "one man's food is another man's poison."

There was Tunde, all wet with sweat. Though he was no longer scared of the old man, he trembled a bit at his  steely gaze.

He was weird, so he thought. On the other hand, the old man was wondering why the boy would stand under the sun at that at that spot, on that time of the day.

"My son, what are you doing here by this time of the day?" the old man asked the boy in a gentle and cracked voice.

"I am waiting for a bus sir," Tunde replied.

"Son," he said again

"if you're waiting for the bus, you need to move to the street corner. That's where the bus stops for passengers."

"It's OK," replied the boy.

"I'll just wait right here, and the bus will stop for me."

The old man repeated his argument, but the boy never moved an inch.

Just then, the bus appeared. They stopped talking and watched the bus as it rows towards them. Amazingly, the bus pulled over to where the boy stood, and he hopped on.

The old man stood still and speechless. He watched the boy as he settles comfortably inside the bus.

"How did you know the bus will stop here?" he asked.

The boy turned around to the doorway and said, "Mister, I knew the bus would stop here, because the bus driver is my dad!"


Do not tremble on the sight of trouble. Stand still, be patient and keep faith with your bus driver because, he would always come.

Again, do not listen to what the world has to say about your condition - when you know who you are and you have a good relationship with the bus driver, you don't need to stand at a bus stop for him to come and pick you up.

There are people who think you can’t make it from where you are right now but they will be surprised when they see your bus and it will take you to your destination.

Photo credit: Wikimedia
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