
Another Look at Barack Obama’s Story

Barrack Obama dreamt of becoming the President of the world's famous and greatest country, United States of America. As a US President Candidate, Obama started with a big disadvantage - his name. When you change one letter in his last name and then he is the most hated name in America - Osama. His middle name is Hussain, a Muslim name which is an enigma for Christian voters.

Obama's life history/ story is a sensational one with twists and changes. It is motivational because he fulfilled his dream and affirmed the saying that - if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible.

We know Obama is black (although his mother and grandparents are white) and with racism breezing around in America then, some conservative whites were not ready for a Black President. 

He was a senator only once – which gave him just 3 years’ experience whereas, there were senators of 30 years’ experience within the party.

He is not the son or related to the past Presidents which normally give a head start for most candidates. Yet, he was able to beat Hillary Clinton, the most charismatic political figure in Democratic Primary who had been planning for this election for four years before him and was the people's favourite.

After winning his party's nomination, he took another big risk in not choosing Hillary as his VP. He overcame all accusations and controversies including that of his mentor Wright who almost ruined his candidacy.


•    Always be positive about yourself
•    Don't just be determined and focused for a particular period, stay that way.
•    There is nothing impossible with God.

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