
The Seasons of Life

There was a man who lived in a distant land with his four sons. One day, he decided to teach his boys not to too quick in judging people and the things they see and poor and so, he sent them each on a quest. Their mission was to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away from their home.

The first son went in the winter season. When he got to the tree, it was ugly, bent, and twisted with fallen leaves. He returned home and told his father what he had seen.

The second son went in the spring season. He saw that the tree was covered with green leaves, but had only buds. He thought to himself that the tree was full of promise. He also returned to his father and told him what he had seen.

The third son went in summer. With what he saw, he disagreed with what his two brothers had said. When he returned, he explained that the tree was filled with flowers that smelled so sweet. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

The youngest son visited the tree during fall. He was amazed at the sight of the abundance of the tree
full of life. It was filled with ripe and healthy-looking fruits. He hurried back home and told father and brothers what he had seen.

The man applauded his sons. He said that from each of their description, they actually saw the tree. He explained that each of them saw was only one season in the tree's life cycle. He told them that it would not be right to judge a tree or someone with only one section or season of its life. He said; a fulfilled life can only be measured at the end when all the seasons are up.


  • Never give up!
  • There is always a better season in every life.
If you give up in winter season, you will miss the promise that comes with the spring, the beauty that is bestowed by summer and the harvest that comes in fall.


Photo: google search

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