
Dressed To Kill

Biola hurried to the bathroom at the sound of her alarm, to have a cold shower in the early hours of a Sunday morning. The water would be really chilling and she knew it – just the way she wanted it anyway. She visited her Grandmother (Grandma as she usually calls her); to spend some time with her since her school was on holiday.

“I need enough time for my makeup,” Biola murmured while scrubbing her back inside the bathroom. She went on to her legs until every part of her body was covered with foam from her bathing soap. She then let loose the cold water by turning on the shower and in few minutes, water was dripping off her whole body – she was done. She grabbed her towel and dried her body and then, took off to her room.

Church service would commence at nine o’clock, this gave her extra two hours and thirty minutes to do whatever she intended doing before going to church. When Biola had finished rubbing her body cream, she went to the kitchen but was surprised that Grandma’s housemaid had already cleaned up the whole house and was making breakfast.

“Good girl…” Biola said, giggling back to her room, she met Grandma by the lobby. She was also surprised to see her awake at six-thirty in the morning. She did the formal Yoruba-greeting and without wasting much time, went straight into her room.

When Biola got inside, she went to her wardrobe and pulled out her ten-inch makeup box. She placed it on a table beside her bed, adjusted the mirror on the table and drew a nearby seat closer to herself. She sat down and began her artwork. First was her brown face powder, followed by a touch of blushing red on the cheek. She applied her pink-colored lips stick and then began a more serious part of the makeup – with the eye pencil.

More than one hour and thirty minutes was gone when she came out of her room, dressed to go to church.

“Biola, where are you going?” Grandma interrupted her just when she was about leaving the sitting room.

“I am going to Church, Grandma…” Biola replied with a what again look on her face.

“Really?” Grandma continued. “Please come and sit down and let's talk for a minute before you go. I think we still have ample time before the Church Service begin? Don't we?” she said with her old black eyes fixed onto the young lady’s beautiful brown eyes.

“Yes, about an hour…” Biola replied with a more curious face.

“The way you are dressed, in fact, you look very sexy…” Grandma began when they had rested beside each other on the same cushion in the sitting room.

“Thank you very much, grandma,” Biola replied, smiling from her hair to her toes.

“Hmm, my dear Biola, I can see you love that compliment so much,” Grandma said. She shifted closer to the young lady and continued. “Please tell me, do you need someone to have sex with you?”

 “Ooh, noo...! Grandma…” Biola screamed, surprised at Grandma’s weird question. “Why this question, Grandma?” she asked, rolling her eyes and facing the old woman.

“If you say you don’t need someone to have sex with you, then why did you dress to be called 'sexy'?” Grandma replied.

“There is nothing wrong with what I’m wearing, Grandma. I just want to....”

“... dressed to kill?” Grandma cuts in. She continued, “A Godly girl should never feel joyous when someone tells her that she looks 'sexy'. In fact, it is an insulting and a very bad compliment.

The idea of dressing ‘sexy’ is to arouse men. That is the reason why prostitutes dress ‘sexy’ – to attract a man to have sex with them and pay them. They show off their breasts, wear things that will reveal all their endowed curves, not just to attract one man, but the entire men in town for more money!

My dear Biola, are you looking ‘sexy’ so that you would attract men for sex?”

Biola melted down and her mood crumbled. She faced down and was speechless.

Grandma started again. “You are young and endowed with beauty. You are a Christian and yet you look so worldly. If you dress like this to Church, there is a high probability of bringing even the pastor down to his knees. Remember 'woe betides the one by whom a righteous man is made to fall...' I know you can recall this scripture very well. That is all for now, go before you would be late.”

“Thank you, Grandma, for your words,” Biola spoke.  “I am sorry to have dressed to kill. I will rather dress to look beautiful and glorify GOD than to dress ‘sexy’ again.”

“It is good to hear that, my dear,” Grandma said.

Biola stood up and was heading back to her room when her grandma called her back. “Are you not going to church anymore?”

“I will go, Grandma. I want to change my dress, first.” Biola answered.

“God bless you, my child…” Grandma said.

***The End***


Always dress the way you want to be addressed. Appearance speaks first!



  1. Inspiring and interesting story.
    Nice one! for fiction stories

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