
8 Characteristics Every Entrepreneur Must Possess

Many of us probably do not care about nature and the little things that happen around us. What many do not know is that every occurrence in nature constitute the very 'have a nice day' we wish to our friends, family and colleagues.

No man is an island, they say. As an entrepreneur, here are 8 characteristics you must possess in other to excel in your careers. Ironically, these characteristics were derived from the life of a hen (from laying eggs to hatching them).

1. Good planning:

Did you know that the HEN is a good planner? She first lays enough eggs before sitting on them. As an entrepreneur, there is need to have a blue-print of what you intend to accomplish and how you intend to accomplish it. This is one of the main characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.

2. Disciplined:

When the HEN starts sitting on her eggs, she minimizes movement. A friend once said, “As an entrepreneur, you don’t need to attend all night parties and clubs.” Being discipline is just the right step to being successful.

3. Self denial of lustful desire:

The HEN physically loses weight while sitting on her eggs due to low feeding. This is a sure-way bus to keep your dream in check. Self denial of some distracting factors would help to make sure that you do not divert into something that may be irrelevant at that time. I’ve seen young Nigerian entrepreneurs buying exotic cars at their first touch of success and with time, they are been taken over by pleasure – losing sight of their focus.

4. Indiscriminate and generous:

Did you know that a HEN can sit on another hen’s eggs? On the long run, there is the need to be kind and generous to other people on the same mission. You might never know where your help would come from.

5. Never give up – Faith and Hope

The HEN sits on her eggs for 21 days, patiently waiting. Even if the eggs did not hatch, she will still lay another one. There is this quote that reads: “WINNERS are not people you never fails, but people who NEVER GIVE UP.

6. Sensitive and discerning

Being sensitive and discerning is another sure bus to arrive at your destination safely. Your ability to detects errors or mistakes is one of the characteristics that proves the kind of Entrepreneur you’d become. Did you know that the HEN sometimes, detects unfertilized eggs and rolls them out?

7. Wise, Conscious and Realistic

When there seem to be an error or a mistake, taking necessary and appropriate steps in correcting these errors is another great characteristic of a good entrepreneur. The choices you make should be wise, conscious and realistic. As for the HEN, when she detects rotten eggs – she abandons them and starts caring for the hatched chicks even if it is only one.

8. Protective

What do you do to what you have achieved? Would let others to come and take it away from you? No...You must protect what you have, just like the HEN protects its newly hatched chicks. Many people turn out to be failures because they were not able to protect what they had.

Photo credit: Ytimg
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